5719 Old Well House Road
Charlotte, NC 28226
704 904 8204 (cell/voice mail)
704 752 7802 (fax)
The mission of Canterbury Consulting, LLC is to be the preferred reinsurance intermediary / consulting actuary for our clients and prospective clients to secure financial solutions to improve their bottom line.
April 23-24, 2018: Facilitator for Society of Actuaries Associateship Professionalism Course - Boston
March 4-7, 2018: ACLI and Society of Actuaries ReFocus Conference - Las Vegas
Here is a list of some recent engagements in which Canterbury Consulting, LLC has actively participated:
Secure for a UK ceding client a suitable reinsurance partner for the assumption of a large payout annuity block of in-force business (£450 million reserve value)
Secure for a Bermuda ceding client a suitable reinsurance partner for the assumption of a small payout annuity block of in-force business ($300 million reserve value)
Secure for a US ceding client reinsurance on new business variable annuity production (base contract and living benefit riders)
Assist a client to form an onshore captive reinsurance company to assume new business universal life redundant reserves (in accordance with Guideline AXXX reserve requirements)
Preform the duties of Appointed Actuary for several Bermuda-based and US-based insurers / reinsurers
Secure for a US ceding client risk-based capital relief involving a $1.2 billion in-force block of deferred annuities
Provide actuarial expert witness consulting services for several litigation cases involving increases in cost of insurance charges associated with universal life policies
February 6-7, 2018: Facilitator for Society of Actuaries Associateship Professionalism Course - Los Angeles
May 9, 2018: Society of Actuaries Mortality Modeling 201: Techniques for Model Fit and Forecasting Seminar
March 13, 2018: Reinsurance Presentation to Cayman Islands Monetary Authory
May 8, 2018: Society of Actuaries Life and Annuity Symposium - Session #64: Managing, Valuing, and Reporting Non-Guaranteed Elements
As a licensed reinsurance intermediary our role is to develop and secure customized reinsurance solutions for clients enabling them to minimize risk management exposure and meet their strategic financial objectives.
As a consulting actuary our role is to provide directed and / or ad hoc actuarial consulting services for clients to meet strategic financial goals and enhance their competitive advantages.